Aug 3, 2008

10. Ruby Saltbush and Berry Saltbush

Ruby Saltbush Enchylaena tomentosa [Enchylaena = fleshy, succulent, tomentose = hairy]
These plants are drought survivors and usually grow at the base of trees. They have hairy stems and leaves, which is a moisture-saving mechanism used by many arid area plants. The leaves are not grazed readily but the red berries are popular with stock and birds. The berries can also be green, yellow and black.
- seen in
February 2010

Berry Saltbush Rhagodia parabolica [Rhagodia = berries, parabolica = shape]
Leaves greyish green and rather shield shaped. Berries present anytime, and can be green, yellow, or various shades of red.

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